If the snowstorm does not blow over, the cattle will die off.
如果暴风雪不停息, 很多牲畜就要死掉了.
互联网If the snow storm does not blow over, the cows will die off.
如果这暴风雪仍不停止, 奶牛将死完.
互联网In time , these'resident dogs'can be captured and adopted or they will die off naturally.
假以时日, 这些狗都会受到捕捉或领养,要不就是自然地老死.
互联网Unless the starving people get food immediately, they will die off within a week.
队非饥饿中的人们马上得到食物, 否则他们将在一周内相继死去.
互联网We're afraid that the local wildlife is starting to die off.
互联网When birds began to die off, People began to criticize the use of chemical pesticides.
当鸟类开始相继死去时, 人们就开始对使用化学杀虫剂提出批评.
互联网Perhaps it would be better to allow them to die off and fertilize the garden naturally.
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